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Decarbonization refers to the reduction of the carbon intensity of global energy consumption. It is the process of reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions generated by humans in order to mitigate the severe and hazardous effects of global warming on life. 

Climate Action represents the greatest challenge and opportunity, as stated by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. The United Nations’ Global Roadmap sets targets that the world must achieve to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. 

Net zero emissions refer to a balance between greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted and removed from the atmosphere.

Measures on climate change must be integrated into national policies, plans, and planning in order to achieve a sustainable society. It is crucial to develop not only education on climate change mitigation, awareness, and human and institutional capacities, but also global resilience and capacity to adapt to the consequences of global warming. 

An effective climate policy can be supported by advanced analytical models capable of simulating Earth and human system processes, tools that integrate vast amounts of Earth observation data along with non-spatial data and can provide comprehensive and accurate information to decision-makers. 

Change starts here.

Earth observation satellites are at the forefront of monitoring greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, deforestation, sea-level rise, and more. They provide scientists with crucial information to identify changes in the Earth’s environment. 

Therefore, Earth observation satellite missions are an essential tool for tracking the effects of climate change on natural ecosystems, as many climate variables can only be assessed from space. 

UpToEarth Italia can provide expertise in satellite technologies, so that the technical elements involved in the acquisition, processing, and utilization of information produced by Earth observation systems can be incorporated into the construction of analysis and simulation models. This way, the assessment of the feasibility of potential decarbonization solutions and related services can be supported by the opportunities that modern Earth observation technologies offer. 


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